
Rockin' the Dock!

Today marked the end of our church's annual vacation Bible school. This year we used a curriculum called "Crocodile Dock" that has been amazing! Monday was our largest day with almost 450 children and 150 workers on campus. By the close of VBS, we had raised more than $1200 of our $1000 goal for Operation Kid to Kid. And 27 kids stepped out to participate in a conversation with Mike (our youth pastor) about what it means to accept Christ as your savior and Lord. I personally got to kneel with a girl who glowed and cried as she told me that even though she had accepted Christ before, she had never really understood what He had done for her until today. I've had goosebumps as I've walked around and seen children on their knees in prayer or raising their hands in praise, jumping up and down shouting scripture and "FEAR NOT!" . We learned that God is with us, He is powerful, He does what he says he'll do, He gives us life and He cares for us. FEAR NOT!

In the past, I've always taught a class during VBS. And while I always enjoy it, it has been really fantastic to be able to observe the big picture this year since I could wander around and watch everyone (when I wasn't in my office calculating attendance or registrations). VBS is about so much more than crafts and songs. From the baby sleeping peacefully in the nursery knowing she is loved to the youth acting as the hands and feet of Jesus. What a blessing to have this opportunity. I am so pumped up for Awanas in September!

Click here to see a slideshow I put together for church:

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