
Catching up "ish"

So, it appears I haven't posted since sometime in late August.  Not because of lack of news, just not feeling chatty.  So, I figured I do a quick catch up (not ketchup - that would be messy).

* Had a wonderful, restful time with the family at Isle of Palms, SC in late September.  There are no words to convey my gratitude to the sweet family that sent us.  I get choked up whenever I think about it.

* John & Bethany are playing soccer.   Chris is coaching Bethany's team.  I forgot how entertaining it is to watch 4 & 5 year olds play soccer.   Bug has improved over the season.  She spends more time in the vicinity of the ball now then she did at the beginning.

* We've been blessed with a wonderful coaching team for John's team.  All three of the coaches do a fantastic job of encouraging and building up each player in a way that is real and truthful.  And the result has been a really fun season with a group of kids that work together and see what team work is really about.  John has gotten more confident in his playing and is finally realizing that his strong points are defense.  He played goal tonight and did a great job making several key blocks.

* John & Sarah have both started back with Scouting.   John is a Webelo I, which is the first of two years of preparing for Boy Scouts and Chris continues to lead the den.  Sarah is in her 2nd year of Daisies with Becky (my sister) and me for leaders.  We added a few new kids to both scouting troops and Chris & I are both excited about the new families and scouts.

*All three kids continue to do TaeKwonDo.  They all recently passed a belt test and are all now high yellow belts.  Chris & I have been taking a break due to some back and knee issues for Chris.

* We continue to try to figure out school and what that looks like in our house.  Let's just say that it is one area that needs a lot of prayer.  Sigh. . .

* Chris continues to look for employment.  He's at a point now where he's trying to determine what other avenues to explore.  He has had a few nibbles regarding jobs recently, but nothing to speak of.

* I continue to work at the church with Children's Ministry.  One of my co-workers recently moved leaving a void in my heart since she was my confidant and dear, dear friend.    But we have added a sweet, fun member to our ministry team and I've enjoyed getting to know her.  I'm also so blessed to get to work with the precious families of our church.  Whenever I get down or frustrated about the too-muchness of my life, God sends just the right sweet child or parent to remind me of what an honor it is to serve with children.  I had one little one from our 3's class tell me a few weeks ago that he was praying for me.  :-)

I added a bunch of pictures from our beach trip and soccer and Taekwondo to the picture album page of the blog.

And I'm sorry to have been so quiet.  Truth is that the introverted majority of my personality starts to drag me in and tells me to be quiet and be still after spending all day with my co-workers and family and scouts and soccer and and and . . . shhhhh. . . .

Much love to you for trudging through this,


1 comment:

  1. Charles wants to take karate now after watching all the old Karate Kid movies, so the other day, I said, "You know John takes karate."
    Charles, says, "No, he doesn't mom. He takes TAE KWON DO." Oooh, excuse me. :-)
