
Happy New Year!!

It's hard to believe that another year has come and gone. It has been quite the busy year for us. We've had lots of changes. All three children changed schools. We started on our homeschool"ish" journey together. I took a part time job with the church and Chris took a job 20 minutes from home (as opposed to the hour+ he was driving.)
Someone asked me recently how we were all doing. The truth is that some days are really hard. Between my responsibilities at church, Chris's job, John's schooling, general parenting and house related things, Scouts, soccer, and family . . . some days I don't know if I'm coming or going. But one thing I do know. One thing I am absolutely sure of. I know that we are all exactly where God would have us for such a time as this. And that's a pretty awesome feeling.

I was also thinking about this blog. I said originally that this was to share our lives with our family and friends. But I think I have a more selfish purpose than that. I've really enjoyed putting my thoughts and feelings on "paper". And I love getting feedback from all of you as well. So, thank you for sharing this journey with me. Let's do it again next year!!

Love, Tina
Enjoy this "2008 in Pictures" slideshow.