
You're gonna miss this

I've been hearing that country song go through my head over the last few days. That and the one that says "Don't blink." I realize that both are such trite statements, but they are both so very true. Sarah graduated from preschool this week.
If you ask her, she'll tell you she's a kindergartner now. But it seems like just yesterday she was just a little baby. It is just so amazing how quickly the time zooms by.


  1. Those 2 songs kill me too, Tina. The first time I heard "You're Gonna Miss This" was the night before I went back to work after being a stay-at-home mom for almost 10 yrs. What timing - I cried that whole night after I heard it. And I too look at my kids and my heart pounds thinking of how fast this is all going by. Thank you for always hitting on something I can totally relate to. Love you, Tracy L.B.
