I had the blessing to attend a kids' min conference in Atlanta a few weeks ago with some co-laborers. I was expecting a nice time of grown-up conversation and brain stretching. But, with all truthfulness, I had NO CLUE why I was even going in the first place. You see, this last semester of ministry has been rough. I hadn't shared that with many people, and I think I'd done a good job of "keeping' on". But the truth is, I'm tired. And I was wondering why I was even serving in these leadership roles in Kid Min let alone going to a GINORMOUS conference in Atlanta for a week. The night before we left, I even looked at Chris and told him that I didn't know why I was going. His wise response? "Because your boss told you to."
The first day's worth of sessions were interesting. I enjoyed some of the speakers more than others, but that's typical. It was in the first main session that God really got my attention. The speaker was talking some on the importance of kids' min and said something to the effect of "some of us think we are here because we're doing a job or 'helping out'. The truth is that every person in this room was called by God to be here and to fulfill His purpose. You have been called by God. So start acting like it!"
Wow! Called to do this thing. Called to minister to these precious ones of God. To assist their parents in raising p a Godly generation. To teach kids to know Him and make Him known. Called to this. Wow!
But God, you've also called me to be a wife and a mother to my own children. You've called me to play an extremely active role in their lives by homeschooling them and being involved in the things they're interested in. How can I possibly do all those things and do them in a way that You can be proud of? How can I do it? HOW . CAN . I!?
Then he spoke the second time. This time much quieter, in that still small voice He uses to speak to your heart. you....don't
I don't. I can't. And it's not mine to do anyway. If God has called me to be and do these things, He will equip me to do and be them. In His strength, not mine. In His wisdom, not mine. In His way, not mine.
Do you feel God calling you to something right now?
On a side note, Chris is praying that God would call me to clean the house and cook the meals. Funny guy.
Comments by IntenseDebate
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Listening to God
Tina Fussell
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