This will be a weekly wrap-up in a list form because frankly, it's the easiest way for me to collect my thoughts these days. Somehow it feels like the world went from zero to 60 around me and I'm standing still trying to figure out what happened. :-)
1. The weather here is clearly bi-polar. We literally have 80* one day and 40* the next. I, for one, have given up trying to figure out what to expect from one day to the next. It makes me grateful that I don't have to get kids dressed for school every day.
2. Tuesday was an Open House day for our Classical Conversations community. It was quite a big deal for our little group because we literally had more families signed up to visit than we actually have in our community! It ended up being a wonderful time of fellowship with some precious families, many of whom were new to homeschooling. Again I found myself grateful that God brought us to our little community.
3. Tuesday also began spring soccer. Soon our every Tuesday and Saturday will be on the soccer field cheering our girls on. This year Daddy is helping to coach one team, so hopefully the games will be at different times. The downside of that is that it puts us on the soccer field all morning on Saturdays.
4. Unfortunately, Tuesday also delivered the stomach bug to our house. The 7 year old "baby" got hit just as we arrived at soccer practice. As much as I hate for any of my kids to be sick, I hate it the most when she's sick. She's the energy and pep of our family, and when she's sick, she is so quiet and still. It just feels so wrong. It leaves me unnerved. Thankfully it only lasted one night, and no one else seems to have come down with it. Prayerfully, that will stay the case.
5. Bible study wrapped up on Wednesday night. I am so going to miss spending so much time with those ladies. The first 30 minutes of our time together was filled with so much laughter that there were tears and gasps for breath. Fellowship like that is such a beautiful thing!
6. This week we finished our family reading of Prince Caspian so we spent some time watching the Disney version of the movie. It was hysterical to me to listen to my children criticize the writers of the movie for the liberalities that were taken to create the screenplay. And each one had different complaints. The oldest disliked that they distorted the battle scenes. Middle child (and oldest daughter) didn't like the love story between Susan and Caspian, and youngest child said it took way too long for Aslan to show up.
7. Today is "pi" day, so the kiddos are celebrating with some other "unsocialized" homeschoolers. (I won't disagree with the weird part. There may be something a little weird in celebrating "pi" 3.14 day)
Whew, I wish I could say that I'm looking forward to a nice quiet weekend, but no such luck. We have one more big Girl Scout cookie booth on Saturday followed by our usual Sunday busyness. And next week I get to go to the Great Homeschool Convention in Greenville, SC by myself at the end of the week, so the first part of the week will be CRAZY!!
How about you? What did your week look like?
Linking up at:
Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers
Homegrown Learners
Conversion Diary
Holy Splendor
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It's a crazy life, but it's ours
Tina Fussell
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sweetnicole 26p · 575 weeks ago
taf2911 9p · 575 weeks ago
wendy · 575 weeks ago
taf2911 9p · 575 weeks ago
Debbie · 575 weeks ago
taf2911 9p · 575 weeks ago
Kym · 574 weeks ago
Stopping by from CFF (a week late, my bad) Hope you're having a great week!